Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Pad

Moving in was pretty brief because I only had my kitties and whatever clothes I did not ship up.  My apartment is a renovated classroom that used to be the original Anthony A. Andrews school.

Our front door and the door on the right leads directly into the apartment.  All on stilts.

The backside of the building.  The two lights blink when it is below zero, to warn the kids.
The first thing I learned was that the boards are on the windows so the kids don't smash them out during the summer. The building is not occupied by teachers in the summertime.  The kids smash out the windows because they are bored, not out of malice.  Clearly the outside of the building could use some TLC, I can't begin to imagine the shipping cost for everything necessary to do the job.  The building has four apartments that, as far as I know, hold two people each.  There are also two small rooms for transient workers who crash in them temporarily.  My place has three rooms and I hear the extra one is not used.  Rumpus room maybe?
Living Room

Kitchen & Fang

HUGE deep freeze
Compared to the outside of the buliding, my place was pretty nice.  It is also very large and has vaulted ceilings, my first one... big moment for me.  Before I came up here several people said I had to hunt a moose.  My biggest argument against bagging a moose was "what the heck am I going to do with 1000 pounds of moose?"  I think my massive freezer has put that argument to bed.  The kitties have had a blast exploring their new home, it is bigger than anyplace else they have lived before.
Angus surveying his new territory

Fang being a ham
Overall it is a really nice place and it will shelter me very well in the coming months.

I did have concerns about how zombie proof the place was going to be.  Those fears are no more.  The building is on stilts.  That is because they cannot lay a foundation into earth that will freeze, thus breaking the foundation. So stilts.  Additionally in kid proofing the building they make it zombie proof.  Very weird walking into the building and seeing an exit so charmingly blocked off.  It made think of zombies.
Leads to the backside of the building.  Really creepy.

Outer doors.  Just really creepy.
They had to make those additions to the decor to make sure that no one got in during the summer and messed with the place.  The other teachers warned me that I should not allow the kids into the building.  Once they are allowed in they see that as a lifetime pass and so they will always be at your door wanting to come in.  When I first moved in the kids would bang on the doors and windows trying to get me to come out and play with them.  I did not.  If you give a moose a muffin...


  1. I was chatting with Jim via fb, and he said he had to run because the fire alarm was going off in his dorm. This was immediately after he asked me if I had seen his new blog entry. (Which showed all the doors and windows blocked!) I was almost concerned, but this is normal for my children. I began chatting with my future daughter-in-law, Laura, until he came back. How the heck do you fight a fire when it's -50? Do you use a snow blower? Can you get a snow blower to start? Do you run from the fire or stand next to it so you don't freeze, or what? Eventually, Jim came back on line (false alarm) and I told Laura that I would chat with her the next time Jim has an emergency. She said she would look forward to it, the chat, not the emergency. However... Let's just say that we look forward to chatting soon. Laura is taking a test that will allow her to start her adventures as an intern. She will be busy and sleep deprived while Jim risks having his extremities frozen in order to teach second graders. What a pair!
    After watching as much of 30 Days of Night, I'd be more worried about vampires than zombies.
