Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Classroom

I have inherited the best classroom in the school.  This classroom has unobstructed views of the ocean on two sides and it is at the extreme end of the school so no one bothers me. 
Room 133 desks for 18 students

Room 133 Main meeting area

Cubbies and storage

The previous teacher had the heat set very high and for a brief time I thought that I might be doomed to sweat to death.  Having functional heat is essential in the winter time but at the time it had to be fixed.  In the winter time we do not let the students take off their shoes just in case of a fire drill or actual emergency.  The students would be barefooted in the snow and that would make the situation worse. 

My classroom was interesting to go through.  I have a bunch of cabinets that are full of stuff.  This stuff is of dubious value to me.  I have enough tempera paint to coat all the walls twice over and paint brushes for everyone.  I have huge canisters of glitter, glitter glue, and white Elmers glue.  I, the savvy primary teacher, will never use white glue because with little kids it will be a mess.  Glue sticks are the adhesive of choice.  Some of the other new teachers have made an effort to organize their cabinet space.  I on the other hand, after going through the cabinets decided that they would stay locked and whoever comes next can decide what to do with a lifetime supply of tempera paint and glitter.
View out my window (last week)
I would use the picture I took today out the window but it is not as spectacular.  The grass is starting to turn brown and the temperature is beginning to dip, I can see my breath on the air in the morning. 

Today we had a spaghetti luncheon for the village and I got to meet about half of my students.  I introduced myself as Mr. Jim.  Everyone else goes by Ms. First Name so I figured I would not torture my students with Mr. Suhrer.  Also I am the only male elementary school teacher, fairly shocking for the kids up here who have never met one.    
Too cute for school
One of my students could not recall Mr. Jim and was calling me Mr. Green to his parents.  He could only remember the color of my hoodie.  School starts on Monday and I feel pretty good about my setup... for Monday.  Tuesday might be a whole different animal.


  1. Absolute requirement as a parent of a second grader to have tempura art affixed to the refrigerator door with magnets. Tepura is easy to clean up. Glitter is forever.

  2. Wow Jim what a beautiful classroom! It would not be that nice in Oakland. I have been following your blog faithfully, but only recently got the right email account to respond. Your living accomodations and classroom are very nice. You'd be hard presses to have such charm in my area of California. Keep up the fun documentation of your trip. It will make for fond memories, or a great movie!

  3. Your public demands that you post more and often! Get to it. We want to see People!
